Memorable this year were a few things in tv-shows, films, and music.
The year in TV-Shows:
My highlight this year is definitely finishing "The Wire", which I managed to do over the period of several months. A genius piece of writing and it made me a big fan of HBO, which, as I recently found out, stands for Home Box Office. A great name!
Another gem that stood out was "Damages," with Glenn Close, which never let up in the tension. I've only seen the first season and can't wait for the rest.
Comedy-wise, I've been left pretty disappointed since Seinfeld and the early Friends, but I can warmly recommend "How not to live your life." It only aired a few episodes this year, but it was laugh-out-loud funny British comedy.
The year in Films
Last Christmas, I actually made it my resolution to focus on the classics in 2008 and beyond, and can't really recall any brilliant films coming out (of course, I'm wrong, but my brain only holds that much space).
Classics that stood out were:
- The Public Enemy, which I liked because it's the oldest thing I've ever seen and I'm fascinated at the idea of looking through a window into life when my grandparents lived.
- Rebecca, which was also tension non-stop.
- A few Jean Arthur movies, whom I've developed a mini-crush on.
- Lawrence of Arabia, which just seems like the optimal adventure movie to me.
- And Casablanca, which is just a classy flick.
The year in Music
Similarly, I think it is hard to form a valid opinion as to an album is great, when it has only recently been released. Thinking back at 2008, only two albums stood out:
- 88 Keys - Death of Adam, which is the story of Adam, told in bits and pieces.
- M83 - Saturdays = Youth, which is a trip down the 80s.