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Thursday, November 20, 2008

In Film: "The beat my heart skipped"

It's been a while, mostly because I'm busy with other things + diligently updating Tech IT Easy.

Why I like this film is because it places the antagonist between two sources of pressure, his father's business and his mother's art. Since my own home-situation was similar, it hit a note. From Wikipedia:
"The Beat That My Heart Skipped (French: De battre mon cœur s'est arrêté) is a 2005 French film directed by Jacques Audiard and starring Romain Duris. It tells the story of Tom, a real estate thug torn between a criminal life and a wish to be a pianist."
Btw., Romain Duris is the actor that played in one of my favourite films of all time: "L'Auberge Espagnol."

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