Thursday, October 3, 2013

In TV shows: The Brilliance of Breaking Bad

So I'm here to talk about what makes Breaking Bad great, which is hard to put into words. I can easily say that the final episode was satisfying. I'm not left to wonder about loose ends, we know where we stand in regards to Walt, Skyler, Jesse, Saul, etc. We even know where we stand in terms of Heisenberg, which was quite an accomplishment. If you compare this to the Wire, another crime show, the ending was less satisfying because it's all a game that happens over and over again. There's only one Heisenberg.

But what was it that made the storyline work throughout these 5 seasons? Was it the acting, the story lines, the emotional touch stones? This show struggled at the beginning, but it got great during season 3, when Heisenberg became associated with Gus Fring and any clever plots Walter White came up with before to get out of trouble, just went into overdrive. The show got exciting then, because the incredible dangers the characters dealt with, because of the money that Heisenberg was making and the effect this had on his personal life. We had a love-hate relationship with it all, much like you have with an addictive drug.

Season 4 was pure drama and chaos and it was entirely amazing. Season 5 was Breaking Bad's version of winding down the story, which from as high as Heisenberg rose, was of course a very dramatic way to close story lines off.

Without giving away spoilers, the finale zipped it all up in a neat body bag and left me entirely satisfied with closing that chapter of my life. I don't need to see more Breaking Bad, but I'm sure glad to have spent time watching it.

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